
This module contains an assortment of functions that arise in scientific computing.

betaincinv(a, b, y[, method, complement])

Inverse of the regularized incomplete beta function.

cmarcumq(m, a, b)

The "complementary" Marcum Q function.


Inverse of the digamma function (real values only).

inv_pow1pm1(t, y)

Inverse with respect to x of pow1pm1(x, y).

inv_powm1(t, y)

Inverse with respect to x of mpmath.powm1(x, y).

logbeta(x, y)

Natural logarithm of \(B(x, y)\).

logbinomial(n, k)

Natural logarithm of binomial(n, k).

logsumexp(logs[, weights])

Compute the log of the sum of exponentials of the input sequence.

marcumq(m, a, b)

The Marcum Q function.


Logarithm of the multivariate beta function.

pow1pm1(x, y)

Compute (x + 1)**y - 1.


Compute the roots of the Legendre polynomial, and quadrature weights.

xlog1py(x, y)


xlogy(x, y)
