ARGUS distribution

The parameters, chi and c, follow the conventions used in the wikipedia article

Note that the parameter c in the wikipedia article is called scale here.

mpsci.distributions.argus.cdf(x, chi, scale)

CDF of the ARGUS probability distribution.

mpsci.distributions.argus.logpdf(x, chi, scale)

Logarithm of the PDF of the ARGUS probability distribution.

mpsci.distributions.argus.mean(chi, scale)

Mean of the ARGUS distribution.

mpsci.distributions.argus.mode(chi, scale)

Mode of the ARGUS distribution.

mpsci.distributions.argus.pdf(x, chi, scale)

PDF of the ARGUS probability distribution.

mpsci.distributions.argus.sf(x, chi, scale)

Survival function of the ARGUS probability distribution., scale)

Support of the ARGUS probability distribution.

mpsci.distributions.argus.var(chi, scale)

Variance of the ARGUS distribution.