Gamma/Gompertz distribution

The distribution is described in:

The parameters used here map to the wikipedia article as follows:

mpsci    wikipedia
-----    ---------
c        s
beta     beta
scale    1/b
mpsci.distributions.gamma_gompertz.cdf(x, c, beta, scale)

Cumulative distribution function of the Gamma/Gompertz distribution.

mpsci.distributions.gamma_gompertz.invcdf(p, c, beta, scale)

Inverse CDF (i.e. quantile function) of the Gamma/Gompertz distribution.

mpsci.distributions.gamma_gompertz.invsf(p, c, beta, scale)

Inverse survival function of the Gamma/Gompertz distribution.

mpsci.distributions.gamma_gompertz.logpdf(x, c, beta, scale)

Probability density function of the Gamma/Gompertz distribution.

mpsci.distributions.gamma_gompertz.mean(c, beta, scale)

Mean of the Gamma/Gompertz distribution.

mpsci.distributions.gamma_gompertz.pdf(x, c, beta, scale)

Probability density function of the Gamma/Gompertz distribution.

mpsci.distributions.gamma_gompertz.sf(x, c, beta, scale)

Cumulative distribution function of the Gamma/Gompertz distribution., beta, scale)

Support of the Gamma/Gompertz distribution.