Nakagami distribution¶
The parametrization used here matches that of SciPy:
ν > 0 is the shape parameter (same as m in the wikipedia article).
is the location parameter. (The wikipedia article does not include a location parameter for the distribution.)scale
is the scale parameter. (scale
= sqrt(Ω), where Ω is the “spread” parameter used in the wikipedia article.
When ν = 1/2, the distribution is a half-normal distribution. For ν < 1/2, the PDF is 0 at x = 0; for ν > 1/2, the PDF approaches infinity as x approaches 0.
- mpsci.distributions.nakagami.cdf(x, nu, loc=0, scale=1)¶
Cumulative distribution function for the Nakagami distribution.
- mpsci.distributions.nakagami.entropy(nu, loc=0, scale=1)¶
Differential entropy of the Nakagami distribution.
- mpsci.distributions.nakagami.invcdf(p, nu, loc=0, scale=1)¶
Inverse of the CDF of the Nakagmi distribution.
The implementation uses a numerical root finder, so it may be slow, and it may fail to converge for some inputs.
- mpsci.distributions.nakagami.invsf(p, nu, loc=0, scale=1)¶
Inverse of the survival function of the Nakagmi distribution.
The implementation uses a numerical root finder, so it may be slow, and it may fail to converge for some inputs.
- mpsci.distributions.nakagami.logpdf(x, nu, loc=0, scale=1)¶
Natural logarithm of the PDF of the Nakagami distribution.
- mpsci.distributions.nakagami.mean(nu, loc=0, scale=1)¶
Mean of the Nakagami distribution.
- mpsci.distributions.nakagami.mle(x, *, nu=None, loc=None, scale=None)¶
Maximum likelihood parameter estimation for the Nakagami distribution.
x must be a sequence of numbers.
Returns (nu, loc, scale).
Currently a fixed loc must be given.
- mpsci.distributions.nakagami.nll(x, nu, loc, scale)¶
Negative log-likelihood function for the Nakagami distribution.
- mpsci.distributions.nakagami.pdf(x, nu, loc=0, scale=1)¶
Probability density function for the Nakagami distribution.
- mpsci.distributions.nakagami.sf(x, nu, loc=0, scale=1)¶
Survival function for the Nakagami distribution.
-, loc=0, scale=1)¶
Support of the Nakagami distribution.
- mpsci.distributions.nakagami.var(nu, loc=0, scale=1)¶
Variance of the Nakagami distribution.