
A few functions from scipy.signal were implemented with mpmath to investigate the numerical accuracy of the filter design and frequency response calculations.

butter_bp(n, wlo, whi)

Bandpass Butterworth filter design.

butter_lp(n, Wn)

Lowpass Butterworth digital filter design.

butter_lp_ord(wp, ws, deltap, deltas[, fs])

(deltap and deltas are not in dB!)

cheby1_lp(N, rp, Wn)

Chebyshev Type I lowpass digital filter design.

freqz(b[, a, worN])

Frequency response of a filter in (b, a) format (i.e.


Convert the zeros of a polynomial to the coefficients.

zpkfreqz(z, p, k[, worN])

Frequency response of a filter in zpk format.